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<legend id="p3CSAK"> <abbr draggable="t9rzS"> <bdo draggable="wXF8"></bdo> </abbr> </legend> 2024-12-13 13:29:40

Now, when I buy American stocks, I stand with Musk, Bill Gates, Buffett and others, because they represent Nasdaq, and they certainly hope that American stocks will rise.Now, when I buy American stocks, I stand with Musk, Bill Gates, Buffett and others, because they represent Nasdaq, and they certainly hope that American stocks will rise.Now, when I buy American stocks, I stand with Musk, Bill Gates, Buffett and others, because they represent Nasdaq, and they certainly hope that American stocks will rise.

I now have a large number of relatives and friends, including me, and most of the funds are put in the Nasdaq index fund.Tonight, a series of super data hit again. Although it is not as good as yesterday's CPI data, it is also very important-that is, PPI data and unemployment benefits data. In addition, the European Central Bank will also announce the interest rate resolution. Although it is not as important as the Federal Reserve's interest rate decision, it still has some influence. Then, at one o'clock tomorrow morning, the Federal Reserve will release another fund data.Do you still remember that there is a stock market drama called "Big Times"? When Liu Qingyun, the protagonist in Big Times, gambled with Adam Cheng in the last episode, Liu Qingyun went to three richest people in Hong Kong and said to them, "I want to borrow some luck from you. It is you who buy with me, because as long as the rich stand with us, I can have luck and win. "

An important reason!

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